


District Resources

About Us




The mission of the Brownsville Academic Center is to provide each student with a meaningful educational experience in a well- disciplined environment that provides consistency, structure,  academics and supportive related services in an effort for each student to grow intellectually, socially, emotionally, and psychologically and be able to transition to home campus as a more successful student and individual.


All students assigned to BAC will successfully complete their individual program and transition to their home campus in accordance to the alternative campus requirements.

Philosophical Foundation

 The BISD Brownsville Academic Center is an alternative education program which has as its goal to provide a meaningful educational experience for assigned students in grades 6-12 in a well-disciplined environment that provides consistency, structure, academics, and supportive related services so that each student will grow intellectually, socially, emotionally, and psychologically.  Upon exiting the program, BAC students will be effective communicators, competent problem solvers, self-directed learners, and responsible citizens.